News and events

CISE-ALERT has launched its first interoperability tests

CISE-ALERT has launched its first interoperability tests

On the 9th of April 2024, Project CISE-ALERT has launched its first interoperability tests, dedicated to combatting illegal trafficking at sea. 

ECGFF Workshop

CISE-ALERT presented during the ECGFF Workshop

Last week, CISE-ALERT Project took part in a workshop on “Exploring Cutting-Edge Tools and Technologies to Enhance Coast Guard Operations: A Workshop on Maritime Situational Awareness”, jointly organized by the Portuguese chairmanship of the European Coast Guard Function Forum (ECGFF) and the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA).

CISE-ALERT project presented during CERIS thematic Workshop on Innovation for maritime situational awareness and maritime security

CISE-ALERT project presented during CERIS thematic Workshop on Innovation for maritime situational awareness and maritime security

On the 19th of February 2024, the CISE-ALERT project took part in a thematic Workshop on Innovation for maritime situational awareness and maritime security, organized by the Community for European Research and Innovation for Security (CERIS) in Brussels.