News and events


CISE-ALERT progress update

During the last months of 2023 and in the beginning of 2024, the CISE-ALERT Project has moved forward with the preparation for the operational trials execution, which will demonstrate, for a period of 6 months, the real live use of the Common Information Sharing Environment – CISE.

4th Steering Committee Meeting of the CISE-ALERT Project

4th Steering Committee Meeting of the CISE-ALERT Project

With the first post for the new year, on behalf of the CISE-ALERT Consortium, accept our warmest wishes for a happy, healthy and prosperous 2024! We are glad to report that on the 11th of January 2024, the CISE-ALERT Project held its 4th Steering Committee (SC) Meeting.
1st Review Meeting and 3rd Consortium Meeting of Project CISE-ALERT

1st Review Meeting and 3rd Consortium Meeting of Project CISE-ALERT

On the 5th of December 2023, Project CISE-ALERT held its 1st Review Meeting with the European Commission, where the Consortium presented the carried-out activities and achieved progress during the first year of the project implementation.