Join the CISE-ALERT Workshop at the European Maritime Day!

We are delighted to announce that, for a second year in a roll, the Project CISE-ALERT has been shortlisted to be part of the events, planned by the European Commission to mark the European Maritime Day (EMD)! 

This year’s edition of the EMD will take place on the 30th and 31st of May, 2024 at the Svendborg International Maritime Academy (SIMAC) in Svendborg, Denmark and will give the floor to Europe’s maritime community, to discuss and outline joint actions on maritime affairs and sustainable blue economy. It features a large number of inspirational speakers, thematic workshops and pitch sessions, organised by stakeholders and the European Commission.

Within the outlined topics of the event, the CISE-ALERT Project is organizing a Workshop in the field of maritime security, surveillance and defence, titled “CISE-ALERT: towards CISE’s operationalisation”. 

The main purpose of the Workshop, which will take place in the afternoon on the 30th of May 2024, is to illustrate in an interactive and understandable way, how the CISE-ALERT Project plans to support and test the real live use of the Common Information Sharing Environment – CISE. CISE, on its turn, fosters the cooperation and synergies among EU/EEA Member States, EU agencies and institutions and reinforces their maritime surveillance activities, by rendering them more effective, responsive, and cost-efficient.

The Workshop will provide a visual demonstration of the use of CISE in a potential maritime operation, into which several Member States and the European Union Satellite Centre (SatCen) are involved. Furthermore, through the planned interactive activities, the audience will have the opportunity to see and assess the added-value of CISE and its relevance to the maritime domain, by providing a comparison between the conduct of such maritime operation with and without CISE. The Workshop also foresees discussions and sharing experience in the field of CISE by experts from different Member States, engaged in the project implementation.

In this regard, the CISE-ALERT Consortium is pleased to invite you to the CISE-ALERT Workshop “CISE-ALERT: towards CISE’s operationalisation”, which will take place from 16:45 h on the 30th of May, 2024 at the Svendborg International Maritime Academy (SIMAC) in Svendborg, Denmark. 

To participate in our Workshop, please register through the official website for the EMD on: before the 10th of May, 2024 and add the CISE-ALERT Workshop to your EMD agenda!

We look forward to meeting you in Svendborg!