Direction Nationale Garde-Côtes des Douanes (DNGCD – France)

Set up in July 2019, the “Direction Nationale Garde-Côtes des douanes” (French customs) is a national competence service, which brings together nearly 900 agents. This direction is equipped with around thirty ships and several airplanes and helicopters. These resources are distributed over all the waters under French jurisdiction in metropolitan France and overseas, in particular in the Caribbean arch.

DNGCD participates in “State Action at Sea” under the coordination of the maritime prefects. Its priority missions include, on the one hand, the fight. Its today’s priorities are against illicit trafficking (drugs, migrants), illegal fishing or polluting discharges and, on the other hand, rescue at sea. Priorities today consist in strengthening its assets doctrine of use, both for the prosecution of reprehensible acts and the perpetrators accountability as well as for the development, enrichment and integration of information collected by customs at sea and in ports, into operational systems.

Within the framework of this project, DNGCD interested in the implementation of CISE on an operational level will bring its expertise in this field: DNGCD have committed to take over the management of the 2nd WP “Service definition” and on the task dedicated to the Kick-off (T5.1). In addition to this first contribution, DNGCD will contribute to the trial execution and the management of the project.