CISE-ALERT progress update

Over the past few months, the CISE-ALERT project has gradually moved from the analysis phase to the preparation of the 6-month CISE trials to be performed as part of the project. 
During this period, the main work has been carried out under Work Package 2 (WP2) - Services Definition, Work Package 3 (WP3) – Services implementation and Work Package 4 (WP4) - Endurance Trial preparation. 

The activities implemented in WP2 included the identification and analysis of the initial needs of the CISEALERT contributors, focusing on three main topics: situation awareness enhancement, monitoring of operations and improvement of alerts. Based on analysis performed, the partners were able to identify the main use cases of the CISE-ALERT project and the associated CISE services. 

The work performed under WP2 has also contributed to the implementation of activities within WP3, related to the development of nodes and adapters, and supported the beginning of WP4, which started in May this year. 

Within WP3, progress continues on the development of the modules that will enable partners to operate in the CISE environment. 

The gap analysis conducted by the partners in May has provided a clear picture of the state of the art of each partner, the systems in use and the needs of each authority involved in the project. The activities were carried out in close coordination with EMSA and the results, together with the opportunities that CISE offers to the European maritime community, were presented during a Workshop during the European Maritime Day in Brest on May 24th 2023. 

In parallel, work on the building block definition and development support started in June this year. This includes the development phase of the common components for the partners. 

The analysis of the identified services and harmonization of the information is currently underway. 

Under WP4, the project partners have made significant progress in developing the Concept of Operations (CONOPS), which is the first deliverable of the WP, due by August 31, 2023. A draft of the document is already in place, and so far, the team has collaborated closely with partners through online meetings, to discuss its content. 

In the same framework, two questionnaires have been forwarded to the partners, the submission of which allows for valuable insights and data to be incorporated into the CONOPS draft. In the following month, the team will focus on the final review and refinement of the document. The aim is to ensure that the document is comprehensive, accurate, and well-aligned with the project's objectives. Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them. 

Moreover, in the next months, the partners will proceed with the preparation of the Operational Plan (OPLAN) and Training Plan documents. These documents will contain detailed information needed for the fulfilment of the training requirements, including Training Scenarios and step-by-step approaches for groups subjected to training. Additionally, the team will finalize the Training Scenarios' analysis, from the modular level up to the most complex level, to ensure comprehensive and effective training. 

Overall, the immediate focus is on refining the CONOPS, completing the OPLAN and Training Plan, and conducting thorough analysis to prepare for the Endurance Trial. The partners’ collaborative efforts and dedication will be critical in achieving the project's goals in the upcoming months.