Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI - Italy)

The” Agenzia Spaziale Italiana“ (Italian Space Agency) is a government agency established in 1988 to define the national strategies in the Space field and to implement them by promoting, supporting and coordinating national activities, Italian companies and scientific community participation in European projects and initiatives. In CISE, ASI acts a key role in Italy since the early stage. ASI was Italian lead partner of the BlueMassMed consortium and of the CLOSEYE project and was the Project Coordinator of EUCISE2020, the FP7 project aimed at implementing the pre-operational validation European CISE environment. The Italian Government appointed ASI as the public entity in charge of developing and managing the Italian CISE Node. Accordingly, ASI setup a CISE technical team, which has been active since then, ensuring daily operations and maintenance activities of the Node and is currently the national point of contact for EMSA technical team. ASI has also developed (and is currently maintaining and operating) a proprietary CISE adaptor, which connects CISE network with its own legacy system for the provision of satellite products based on Cosmo SkyMed and Cosmo Second Generation services. Through its legacy system, ASI is also able to provide CISE clients to those national agencies that are not involved in CISE or that do not have their own legacy system connected to the CISE network. Both the ASI CISE adaptor and legacy system are based on the Terrapack® CISE plugin technology, which was adopted during the EUCISE2020 project through a market analysis and a comparative selection procedure and showed up as the best available option for the stringent interoperability, security and tactical GIS requirement of the Node.

Within the framework of this project, ASI will provide:

  • Under work package 2, technical expertise for the analysis of CISE-ALERT dataset, in particular for the spatial and geospatial domain;
  • Under work package 2 and 3, know-how for the design of CISE-ALERT data model to take into account the innovative services that will be developed and to ensure the compliance with CISE data model;
  • Under work package 3 and 4, technical resources to verify and to validate the adopted system/service/software architecture to ensure the compliance with the CISE architecture;
  • Under work package 3, software customization of its CISE adaptor to provide and to consume innovative CISE-ALERT services;
  • Coordination of Work package 5 activities;
  • Under work package 5 and 6, satellite products specifically tailored for this project and for the use cases that will be designed by the user community;
  • Under work package 5 and 6, daily operation of the Italian CISE node and of the ASI adaptor to ensure successful trials and an effective demonstration.