Executive Agency Maritime Administration (EAMA – Bulgaria)

The Executive Agency Maritime Administration is a legal entity to the Ministry of Transport and Communications. The headquarters of EAMA is situated in Sofia and there are five regional offices located in Varna, Burgas, Ruse and Lom. The statute of the Agency is regulated in the Merchant Shipping Code.

The activities, the structure and the work organization are laid down in the Statutory Regulation, adopted by the Council of Ministers. The Agency’s territorial jurisdiction extends to the internal sea waters, the territorial sea, the Bulgarian section of the Danube River and the relevant coastline, the territory of the ports except the military ones, the Bulgarian search and rescue sea region and the shipping rivers that flow into the Black Sea.

EAMA is representing two of the user communities of CISE - maritime safety (including search and rescue), maritime security and prevention of pollution caused by ships and marine pollution preparedness and response.

Within the framework of this project, EAMA will contribute to the management of the project, the VIP days, and the communication and dissemination of the project.